Earn a Free $50 Gift Card for Sharing Your Video Testimonial! (or Pictures)

Earn a Free $50 Gift Card for Sharing Your Video Testimonial! (or Pictures)

David Huting

Now for a limited time, submit a video testimonial about your experience with Nature Relaxation (or pictures of how, where or why you watch them) and you can earn a $50 VISA gift card if we share it on our social media!

Here's How to Earn it:

1) Record a video (or snap some photos) on your phone or computer and share why you love Nature Relaxation videos.

You can describe how you use them, how they make you feel, or share any stories of personal transformation.

2) Email the video to use at help@naturerelaxation.com or upload it to social media and tag us there!

Our handle on Facebook and Instagram is @NatureRelaxation; on Twitter it's NRelaxation.

3) That's it! If we feature your video on social media, we will respond with a $50 E-gift card.

Alternatively, you can decide between a $150 NatureRelaxation.com credit.


Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Additional Terms and Conditions
By uploading you give us the right to repost on our social media channels; only entries that are able to be re-posted are eligible for the offer.
All submissions that were submitted but not used will still be eligible for a $25 gift card to NatureRelaxation.com. 

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  • Avoid the common mistake of aiming to be the next Facebook. Achieve product-market fit by focusing on building one core feature better than the competition and make sure that feature solves a big pain point for your audience. Don’t get lost in creating a bunch of features off-the-bat."
    Keep your first product extremely barebones. Get clear product validation from your target customer before you spend any time or money building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Start small. Invest more resources in product development as you generate enough operating income to cover your ongoing research and development expenses. Hold off on executing your product roadmap before you have enough consistent sales revenue to support that vision."

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  • Avoid the common mistake of aiming to be the next Facebook. Achieve product-market fit by focusing on building one core feature better than the competition and make sure that feature solves a big pain point for your audience. Don’t get lost in creating a bunch of features off-the-bat."
    Keep your first product extremely barebones. Get clear product validation from your target customer before you spend any time or money building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Start small. Invest more resources in product development as you generate enough operating income to cover your ongoing research and development expenses. Hold off on executing your product roadmap before you have enough consistent sales revenue to support that vision."

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  • In other words, too often first-timers build a product behind closed doors and don’t get the feedback necessary to ensure they get buy in for their idea. As a result, they don’t reach product-market fit and end up building a product that fails or succeeds by mere chance, not by calculated steps."
    I recommend that first-time entrepreneurs take this as a real wake up call to avoid making excuses for not getting meaningful product validation before spending resources on development. You need at least 95% confidence that the thing you’re working on will be predisposed to some initial success. There are too many other factors out there working against you when you’re first starting out and are tight on resources that make the road of entrepreneurship hard enough as-is. Don’t make it more difficult for yourself by building a bunch of features no one really wants to pay for."

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  • In other words, too often first-timers build a product behind closed doors and don’t get the feedback necessary to ensure they get buy in for their idea. As a result, they don’t reach product-market fit and end up building a product that fails or succeeds by mere chance, not by calculated steps."
    I recommend that first-time entrepreneurs take this as a real wake up call to avoid making excuses for not getting meaningful product validation before spending resources on development. You need at least 95% confidence that the thing you’re working on will be predisposed to some initial success. There are too many other factors out there working against you when you’re first starting out and are tight on resources that make the road of entrepreneurship hard enough as-is. Don’t make it more difficult for yourself by building a bunch of features no one really wants to pay for."

    https://txt2080.com/ on
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