Playback Guide: Desktops & Laptops

Laptops & Desktops - Playback Guide

Playback Options:
Local Playback from Downloading the Videos (4K & HD)
To playback on your Mac or Windows computer or hp tablet, all you need to do is select the "digital download" option for the video(s) you want, and then checkout to receive instant download links in the standard MP4 format (h.264). Once downloaded, it is recommended to save all the files in a single folder (copyright violation if uploaded or placed on a public server). From there, you can playback the videos using the program of your choice - for Apple, Quicktime or iTunes is recommended. No internet? You can purchase videos shipped on a hard drive. Note you can also cast videos to your TV thanks to Chromecast support through the Nature Relaxation On-Demand service.
Streaming Playback Through Nature Relaxation On-Demand (HD Only - Best Value)
Want to access every Nature Relaxation available, without ads or watermarks - and be the first to see new releases? Subscribe to Nature Relaxation On Demand and you can easily access over 600 hours of playlists on the watch page. *Note Your subscription also gets you desktop access and apps for Roku, AppleTV, and iOS devices.
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