Combatting Depression & Anxiety with Nature Relaxation: A Personal Story
In this new and compelling essay series, Nature Relaxation viewer Chris Y shares his experience with struggling to defeat anxiety and depression thanks to using Nature to battle negative thoughts and emotions.(Read time: 5 minutes)
Tags: depression relief, anxiety relief, depression cure, depression treament, anxiety treatment, mindfulness, nature as therapy

"Anxiety and Depression are emotional subjects which can be as hard to write about as it is read so thank you for persevering. As stated previously these disorders are a very personal experience and will differ from person to person but there is much commonality and people who suffer can learn much from one another on how to cope and manage, in this second part of this article I will write about what I have learned in the management of my conditions in hope that it may help others.
For those reading this that might be suffering from what you think might be anxiety and depression, I strongly invite you to give Nature Relaxation videos a try! I use the apps for when I need to relax regardless of where I am, and downloaded 4K videos to broadcast around my house."
Tags: depression relief, anxiety relief, depression cure, depression treament, anxiety treatment, mindfulness, nature as therapy

Anxiety & Depression - A Personal Story of How it Started and How I Learned to Treat It
Part I: Using Nature As a Therapy for Anxiety & Depression
"Anxiety and Depression are emotional subjects which can be as hard to write about as it is read so thank you for persevering. As stated previously these disorders are a very personal experience and will differ from person to person but there is much commonality and people who suffer can learn much from one another on how to cope and manage, in this second part of this article I will write about what I have learned in the management of my conditions in hope that it may help others.
Scientists are researching the causes of anxiety and depression and for example there is there is currently promising research being undertaken in the field of brain inflammation, but whatever the causes, what triggers anxiety or depression varies from person to person. For some it can be environmental such as seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.), however, for many of us living in a modern lifestyle we are surrounded by many stressors big and small. For those of us that have a disposition to anxiety and depression the accumulation or combination of these stressors can make us prone to triggering the onset either or both.
What are these stressors? Simply put they are our individual perception and rumination about events in our lives which make us worry; it could be financial, boredom, low self esteem, grief, lifestyle, loneliness, relationship issues, illness and so on - the list is endless. But in essence if you have a worry, you have attached a negative thought to a negative emotion, and mind is going to feel stress. That stress is in certain people inclined to depression and anxiety can begin a negative loop that can be hard to escape.
Whilst the treatment for depression and anxiety disorders should always be discussed with your health practitioner, I will offer my practical experience in how I have come to manage mine with the help of nature. Let me explain what I mean before you think I’m suggesting some sort of new age hippie methodology, what I practice is in fact is a very simple and natural way refocusing your attention from your thoughts to the your senses you are experiencing in the moment. As I was latter to become aware of was I had stumbled upon the same process used by Buddhists in their meditation for thousands of years, often it is now called Mindfulnes, however there is nothing religious or spiritual about it and it comes so naturally to us that it requires no training.
There is a natural innate serenity to be found in nature, it has its own pace there are no stressful distractions, and when you're there surrounded by a beautiful vista you can't help but give yourself to the moment, focusing your attention fully to your senses of the sights and sounds surrounding you, in that moment the cycle of repetitive negative thoughts causing you misery gets broken; you have swapped your own internalising of thoughts and feelings for a relaxing calm provided to your senses by nature. When you first start to focus your attention to your senses don't be surprised or disappointed that your negative thoughts return, just acknowledge it and refocus back to your senses, with practice you will find that those moments of calm come easier, become more fulfilling and last longer.
I still remember the first time I experienced the calming effects of nature, I was at home amidst a dark bout of anxiety and depression, because my anxiety was high I was unable to settle and wandered without purpose into the garden, there I sat on a step head in hands inconsolable in my own despair, then without warning the wind picked up and blew the leaves and branches of a large tree at the bottom of the garden, the sudden rustling grabbed by attention and I looked up into the tree, there was no conscious thought I was merely observing, watching how the tree swayed back and forth to the wind, sensing I was relaxing I just gave myself to the moment and continued to observe, watching the tree sway and becoming more aware of the sounds of the wind and leaves blowing, the creaking of the branches. In that 5 or 10 minutes in which I observed that tree I was able to recompose myself and came to the realisation that I had found a powerful tool for managing my condition.

To summarise there was nothing to learn, no altered state of consciousness, the process was is so normal and natural it can barely be called a technique, it was just the realisation that by focusing my attention to what's going on outside in nature around me through my senses opposed to the stuff rattling around in my head I was able to break the cycle and find a moment of relaxed calm.
That's all there is to it. Nature provides a natural relaxing remedy, the perfect distraction from the to day to day stress, anxiety and depression. There have been many clinical and neuroscience studies of the benefits of Mindfulness and is widely used by those with mental illness, health adults and children. It has also been adapted to be used in institutions such as schools, prisons and hospitals, all of which give a broad support to its benefits.
The only issue with obtaining solace using nature is that it’s sometimes inconvenient, it can be difficult to reach because the weather can be is too bad or just too dark, or inaccessible for reasons such as mobility or location, whatever the reason there are ways of bringing nature indoors. I have experimented for years with different mediums of media, early on I found relaxation through sound recordings of thunderstorms, rain and babbling brooks. Later I tried a number nature programs but the narrator was often a distraction, however one exception was documentary called Sunris Earth though a step in the right direction it did not fulfill my needs in terms of subject matter, audio quality and too frequent transition changes, it did though leave me wanting more. Skip ahead a few more years and I then discovered David Huting’s Nature Relaxation video’s, at last just what I have been looking for, the perfect combination of crystal clear images and sounds of nature with long static shots which I can use when I feel the need and at my own convenience. Since downloading my first nature relaxation video not a day has gone by where I don't find the time to switch off and ground myself back to nature using them, as they have proven to be both relaxing and energising.
For those reading this that might be suffering from what you think might be anxiety and depression, I strongly invite you to give Nature Relaxation videos a try! I use the apps for when I need to relax regardless of where I am, and downloaded 4K videos to broadcast around my house."
1 comment
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