Special Discounts for Seniors, Students, Vets & Low Income Households
When it comes to purchasing Nature Relaxation, we realize that a conundrum exists: many of those who could benefit the most from Nature Relaxation videos are those who cannot afford them or cannot justify the purchase due to fixed income. As such, we are excited to announce special pricing for senior citizens, vets & active duty military, students in college, those enduring financial hardship & individuals on medicare/disability or in a rehabilitation program:
Special Discount Offer: 30 - 50% OFF
To apply for your discount code, send us a message on the Contact page or an email to help@naturerelaxation.com and please provide the information/proof of why you would be eligible for this discount.
Details of Offer: Senior citizens means anyone older than 65. For students, you must have a .edu email address. Low Income must confirm in writing of their status; a short paragraph with a statement of your situation is enough. The military/vet discount limited to active duty or retired U.S. military only.