How Nature Videos Heal (Videos, Studies & Articles)
Studies on the Power of Nature:
Nature Relaxation videos linked to Lowered Stress, Anxiety, and Boosted Moods in Seniors (study)
November 27, 2017 - A new 2017 study conducted by Lori Reynolds, an Occupational Therapist and Gerontologist which has recently been published provides clinical evidence of the positive benefits which viewing nature films provides.

SUMMARY: Individuals with dementia often experience feelings of anxiety and agitation that are stressful, and can be difficult for their caregivers. Results from an initial study on the virtual nature experience (pictured below), shows that in as little as 10 minutes of being in the virtual nature experience residents experienced:
--> A lower heart rate- indicating less stress.
--> Increased pleasure, with residents saying “I can look at this and never get tired of it” and “I feel fantastic.”
--> Reduced anxiety levels.
More information about Lori Reynold's wellness services at:
July 8th 2017: BBC Study Shows that Viewing Nature Documentaries Makes You Happier (Study)
Synopsis: BBC Earth, the BBC’s global factual brand, has today published findings of an international study titled The Real Happiness Project showing nature programming’s direct impact on the mood and wellbeing of its viewers The research, conducted with Professor Dacher Keltner, an expert in the science of emotion at the University of California, Berkeley, confirms that even short engagement with such shows leads to significant increases in positive emotions including awe, contentedness, joy and amusement. The study also found substantial decreases in emotions such as nervousness, anxiety, fear, stress and tiredness. Read & learn more. (Study)
Books on the Power of Nature:
Book & Studies: Your Brain On Nature

"The brain is absolutely influenced by Nature, and it is no longer an option to write off the philosophers and poets as mere romantic dreamers. The results of the investigations revisited in this [chapter; book; Your Brain on Nature] should serve as a wake up call for all of us. The mortality [and vitality] of individuals, nations, and even the planet itself is dependent upon the recognition and acceptance that Nature is a part of us. Our perception of stress- our mental state; our immunity, our happiness, and our resiliency- is chemically influenced by the nervous system and it’s response to Nature."
--page 33 - by Eva Selhub and Alan Logan
ABOUT: A wonderful synopsis of multiple scientific studies which have proven that nature and nature videos can have remarkable benefits for human health. Natural environments are more likely to promote positive emotions, and viewing and walking in nature have been associated with heightened physical and mental energy. Nature has also been found to have a positive impact on children who have been diagnosed with impulsivity, hyperactivity and attention-deficit disorder."
Get this book
Videos & Talks about Nature
How Nature and Forests Heal: A Short Film
ABOUT: "This is a film about forests; it is also a film about you. One cannot always escape the ups and downs of life, but one can always find calm and comfort in Nature. The path of healing lies inside you...and when you can learn carry the forest with you, you are always home and your healing has begun." Healing Forest is a journey to discover the magical healing powers of nature. It discusses how Nature can help us fight the growing epidemics of Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and more.
Learn more: How Forests Heal People from Nitin Das on Vimeo. Learn more on their website at
Your Brain on Nature - National Geographic Talk:
Description: Marine biologist and Nature Relaxation™ partner Tierney Thys, inventor Tan Le, and forest ecologist Nalini Nadkarni delve into the inner workings of our brains to figure out the science behind nature's health effects, and how we can enhance those benefits. Learn more on their website at
Nature RX - A Parody Drug Commercial
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*This statement has not been analyzed by the FDA and should not be used for medical advice.